Weavers Guild
of Kalamazoo
Connecting Through Fiber
The Weavers Guild of Kalamazoo, Inc. maintains an Outreach Service to expose and educate the general public to fiber arts. This can be one-on-one, demonstrations to school classrooms, historical or civic organizations and often at large festivals. These demonstrations include answering questions, showing people how things are made and helping them try their hand if they wish. We inform people of the historic origins of the techniques and where their clothing and household fabrics come from both in the past and now. We also try and convey our love of these art forms and encourage people to try any or all of them for themselves.
Anyone wishing to arrange a demonstration should contact the Outreach Service Chair. PLEASE be sure to provide specific contact information in your request.
Reminder- members need to report their volunteer hours to the Outreach Service Chair. Anything you did to provide a demonstration or teach any fiber related activity to any non-guild member counts. A form for reporting volunteer hours is available here. This information is collected annually to meet our non-profit 501(c)(3) requirements. Members are also welcome to donate a warp to the Service Bureau for use on the demonstration loom. A form to use for donations is available here.