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Weavers Guild
of Kalamazoo
Connecting Through Fiber
End of the Road
Well, finally! Here it is. Seems a little anti-climatic to me, but this is the first reveal to the world. ​Are you curious why I...

Weaving Embellished
Now that I’m approaching the end of the weaving, I get to start embellishing! I say that as though I know what I’m doing, but as usual,...

Weaving Delays
Okay, I haven’t updated in a while because I’ve actually been weaving more. As opposed to thinking about weaving or trying to figure out...

Chaotic Decisions
I am amazed at how many decisions I’m making for this project along the way. Do all weavers go through this? Or is it because I’m still...

Pre-weaving My Mistakes
Okay, so what’s next? I’ve got my black fabric base started, but I’m back to the question. How can I make my waterfall and river with...

Weaving Stability
I feel I owe an explanation for what’s coming. Today is not so much about weaving as it is life in general. I’m a worrier. My doctor...

I should’ve known better.
Sadly, the name Blackwater Project is more apropos than I realized. This is the point that I expect to hear a collective “I told you...

Blackwater Slinky Weaving
Okay, this is happening. Hubby bought me a slinky – the old-fashioned metal kind (not plastic). I have an all-black warp already on...

The Power of What if…
Okay, I have the sample done, and I shared it at the last gathering of the Four Harness study group. There was general approval, but...

Weaving happiness
My Blackwater Project test sample came off the loom two nights ago. I left it one day all by itself, just to relax and let some curves...

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